At Whakatiki Engineering, sustainability and minimizing our environmental impact are key priorities.
We collaborate closely with the Sustainable Steel Council to ensure our industry is taking proactive steps toward sustainability.
Our core commitments and practices for operating sustainably and reducing environmental impact include:
Equipment Repair: We repair all of our equipment whenever possible to combat throw-away culture and minimize environmental impact.
Recycling: We actively recycle carbon steel, aluminum, glass, paper, and cardboard/packaging materials.
Seismic Strengthening: We provide seismic strengthening to existing structures to reduce building material waste.
Renewable Energy: We use a 100% renewable energy provider.
Waste Management: We engage in ongoing research to improve waste management and recycling practices.
Health and Safety: We remain dedicated to our Health and Safety program, ensuring the protection of our team and those we work with.
Environmental Risk Management: We identify, actively work to reduce environmental risks, and conduct regular environmental audits.
Energy Efficiency: We convert lighting to energy-efficient LEDs where practical.
Air Quality: We use Kemper mobile air cleaners with filters for site work and extractor/fans in our workshop to ensure cleaner air.
Vehicle Maintenance: We conduct regular vehicle maintenance, including six-monthly services.
Environmental Management System: We have implemented an Environmental Management System to guide our efforts.